Stop Christian Nationalism

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What It Means When They Say Normal Isn’t Coming Back, Jesus Is

There’s a new Christian Nationalist meme that’s making the rounds online: “Normal Isn’t Coming Back. Jesus Is.”

Most recently, I came across a version of this meme that includes the citation of the Book of Revelation, Chapter 14.

My suspicion is that most Americans, and most Christians in the United States, have never actually read the Book of Revelation, Chapter 14, much less carefully considered what it really means.

Revelation 14 is the New Testament prophecy that Jesus Christ will return from the dead and kill so many non-Christians that their corpses will create a pool of blood the size of one of the Great Lakes. Revelation ends with the promise that Jesus and his angels will stuff the bodies of millions of their victims into a gigantic winepress and crush them like grapes in order to satisfy the wrath of God.

The promise of the return of Jesus is a promise of cataclysmic violence, of Christian religious genocide.

Christian Nationalism is a movement of Americans who are glad that “normal” American life has ended, and who hope that their long wait for the opportunity for widespread violence will soon end.

They believe that this bloodbath will be moral, because it was foreseen in their holy book. Theirs is a cult of blood sacrifice, preparing to make the entire Earth into a murderous altar.