Stop Christian Nationalism

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A Compromise On The Word Of God In Public Schools

Christian Nationalists demand that the word of god be displayed in every public school classroom in America. They suggest the Ten Commandments, which begin with the command that every person worship the Hebrew god Jehovah.

Humanists, on the other hand, observe that the Constitution of the United States specifically prohibits the government from forcing Americans to practice any religion. They note that the United States of America is a secular democracy, not a Christian nation.

Can there be any compromise between these two opposing positions?

We suggest this: What if American public schools display the poster you see below, which shows a nice, sleeping dog, along with the word kelev, which is the Hebrew word for dog?

The Bible mentions dogs many times, after all, and Christian Nationalists say that every word in the Bible is the word of god. Therefore, if we take Christian Nationalist beliefs seriously, we can see that kelev is a word of god, and in Hebrew, the language of god.

This poster would display the word of god without forcing any religion on America’s children. Why wouldn’t Christian Nationalists be satisfied with that?

It’s not as if the real goal of Christian Nationalism is to force all Americans to submit to the authority of extremist right wing Christian leaders, after all… is it?