Stop Christian Nationalism

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Christian Nationalism and the Reality of Freedom From Religion

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Christian Nationalism and the Reality of Freedom From Religion Clifford Cook

It’s one week and one day before the 2022 congressional midterm elections are over, and Christian Nationalists are poised to completely take over both houses of the Congress of the United States of America.

It is not too late to turn back the Republican Christian Nationalists, but we are going to have to do a heck of a lot more than posting TikTok videos about it.

This episode of the Stop Christian Nationalism podcast reviews the new Pew Research Center survey that clearly shows that the majority of American Christians are Christian Nationalism… so please, no more of that “fake Christians” meme. We also take a strange trip into the crazy pseudohistory of Christian Nationalists former Vice President Mike Pence and Charlie Kirk, who believe that the founders of the USA wanted there to be Christian kings ruling America. And then, there’s Elon Musk, who is spreading antisemitic Nazi antigay conspiracy theories on the hellscape that is now Twitter.

There’s a lot of real, practical work to be done to turn back the Christian Nationalist menace. You can be a part of the solution. We have a lot to talk about.