Stopping the Christian Nationalist Menace
We are dedicated to one simple purpose: To defend American democracy from Christian nationalism.
Christian nationalism is a violent ideology that believes that Christians have the exclusive right to claim and control the government of the United States of America. Christian nationalists believe, in spite of historical and legal evidence to the contrary, that the USA is a Christian nation that exists in order to grant power to Christians and to disempower everyone else.
Christian nationalists now control the United States Supreme Court with a 6 to 3 majority, giving them the power to ignore legal precedent and the Constitution’s protections against the abuses of religious rule. Christian nationalism is becoming increasingly radical in Congress, and Republican Party activists are planning to regain control of the White House in 2024 with an agenda of Christian supremacy.
Secular democracy allows a place for everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike, by keeping government separate from matters of religion, neither promoting religion nor seeking to undermine it.
We seek to uphold democracy in the processes of our activism, not just as the end goal of our work. So, while Christian nationalists engage in violence, intimidation, coercion, and corruption to achieve their ends, we oppose Christian nationalism with nonviolence, with grassroots organizing, and with appeals to the better side of our humanity: Compassion, respect for diversity, and freedom of conscience.
We will speak our minds, and that won’t make everyone happy, but we will never seek to take away the rights of others to speak, think, and act according to their desires, within the law.
We believe in the right of people of any religion and of no religion at all to live as equals under the law. We will resist the attempts by Christian nationalism to destroy equality in the pursuit of authoritarian apocalyptic Christian rule.