Jeff Bezos Joins Fascist Attack Against Free Press
Jeff Bezos has, in order to curry favor with Donald Trump, aligned the corporate power of Amazon with Trump’s ruthless fascist nationalist movement.

Joe Biden Won’t Stand Up To Christian Nationalism
Joe Biden keeps telling us that he's going to be out there defending democracy, but as President of the United States, he's just not doing it. He's not standing up to Christian Nationalism.

Boone Iowa Pastor Kevin Johnson Preaches Pseudohistory of Christian Nationalism
Kevin Johnson, pastor of the Boone Church of God of Prophecy in Boone, Iowa, teaches his followers a false history of the United States in which the Constitution was based on the Christian Bible.

Oklahoma Supreme Court Stops State Government From Creating Catholic Public School
It wasn’t just the Constitution of the USA that made the St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School illegal. The school was in violation of the Constitution of the state government of Oklahoma as well.

A Compromise On The Word Of God In Public Schools
If Christian Nationalists really want displays of the word of god in all public school classrooms, we propose this specific word of god: Kelev, the Hebrew word for dog. Who could object?

Trump Spiritual Advisor Says Fortune Cookies Are Witchcraft
Donald Trump’s spiritual advisor Patricia Lage say that fortune cookies and rosary beads are witchcraft. Does Trump believe that too?

Supreme Court Justice Declares Allegiance To Christian Nationalism
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew the Christian Nationalist Appeal To Heaven flag outside his home for months in an embrace of the Christian Nationalist attack of January 6.

Artificial Intelligence Invents Facts About Christian Nationalism
Writing about a book on Christian Nationalism that was published in 2024, ChatGPT 4o used a news source from the year 2021. Can such a tool really be referred to as artificial intelligence?

The Tragedy of Jennifer Sooter
The tragic story of Jennifer Sooter, whose father, Tom Sooter, convinced her mother, Mary Lee Sooter, that Jennifer was possessed by demons. After years of persecution, Mary Lee Sooter murdered Jenny Sooter then killed herself.

Country Music Against Christian Nationalism
With today’s podcast episode, we’re introducing country music against Christian Nationalism.

Who is the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition?
The Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is a creation of the 2024 Trump for President campaign. It consists of Christian Nationalists from Iowa who have endorsed Donald Trump. Some of them are bona fide religious leaders. Others are just members of radical right wing Christian churches.

Iowa Faith Leader Coalition Threatens Fascist Theocracy
After a Coralville, Iowa rally for Donald Trump, the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition has been used to promote a conspiracy to replace American democracy with a Christian Nationalist theocracy

Speaker of the US House Says He Talks With Invisible Spirits
Mike Johnson recently spoke in a secret meeting of an organization that believes that non-Christians deserve to be drowned.
Donald Trump Aims to Replace Medical Science With Religion
Donald Trump and Project 2025 have a plan to replace scientific medicine at the CDC with a Christian Nationalist oversight board with the goal of saving souls rather than saving lives.

Corporations and Project 2025
The words of Project 2025 show that Christian Nationalism isn’t just the product of extremist Christian churches. Christian Nationalist fascism is being funded by multinational corporations who are willing to see your freedom sacrificed for the sake of their profits.

House Speaker FIASCO Proves Powerlessness Of Prayer
The prayers of US House Chaplain Margaret Grun Kibben have been completely ineffective in moving the US House of Representatives forward toward electing a Speaker of the House. So, what is the use of the US House Chaplain?

Prophet of Christian Nationalism Threatens Assassination of President Biden
Christian Nationalist prophet Julie Green has declared that the Christian god wants to see President Joe Biden assassinated.

Christian Nationalism Can’t Restrain Its Extremism
Even when Christian Nationalists try to persuade people that their ideology isn’t hateful and dangerous, their cruel extremism is on clear display.

Christian Nationalists Claim the USA Is The Sovereign Property Of Their God
Right before the midterm elections of 2022, Christian Nationalists Kenneth Copeland and Margaret Grun Kibben claim that the United States is the sovereign property of the Christian god.

Christian Nationalists Ask Their God To Steal the 2022 Election
The Christian Nationalist mayor of Hialeah, Florida prays to his god to steal the midterm elections of 2022 for Republicans. Who knew Jesus was a Republican?
- bible
- Bible
- Ceremonial Deism
- Christian nationalism
- Christianity
- Congress
- Constitution
- Democrats
- demons
- Donald Trump
- Doug Mastriano
- education
- genocide
- history
- House of Representatives
- Iowa
- Iowa Faith Leader Coalition
- Julie Green
- law
- Louisiana
- Margaret Grun Kibben
- monarchy
- morality
- Nazis
- Nick Fuentes
- Pennsylvania
- prayer
- prophecy
- Revelation
- school
- separation of church and state
- slavery
- speech
- theocracy
- violence
- Virginia