Jeff Bezos Joins Fascist Attack Against Free Press
Jeff Bezos, the founder and Executive Chairman of Amazon, bought The Washington Post, the dominant newspaper in Washington D.C., in 2013. At the time of his purpose of the Post, Bezos promised he would not interfere with the newspaper’s journalistic independence.
With just 11 days to go before the Election Day in 2024, Jeff Bezos broke that promise.
The editorial board of The Washington Post had evaluated the facts, and decided to endorse Kamala Harris for President. The Washington Post’s journalistic editors observed Donald Trump’s plans to impose a fascist Christian Nationalist regime that would end freedom of the press in the United States. The Washington Post’s reporters also opposed Donald Trump’s plans to use the American military to attack citizens of the USA in order to punish people for criticizing Donald Trump.
Jeff Bezos, however, decided that the business interests of Amazon are more important than the survival of democracy in the United States of America. Jeff Bezos ordered The Washington Post not to endorse Kamala Harris.
Bezos has now, in order to curry favor with Donald Trump, aligned the power of Amazon with the fascist nationalist movement led by Trump.
The editorial staff of The Washington Post objected strenuously to the order from Bezos to kowtow to American fascism, writing that, the Bezos mistake was “a terrible mistake. It represents an abandonment of the fundamental editorial convictions of the newspaper that we love,” and explained that Donald Trump supports “positions that directly threaten freedom of the press and the values of the Constitution.”
In the 1930s, German corporations quickly surrendered to the demands of the Nazi Party of Adolf Hitler, thinking that by doing so, they were protecting their economic interests. In the end, these corporations suffered the consequences of the humiliating Nazi defeat in World War II. Along the way, German corporations became complicit in the slaughter of millions of people in the Holocaust.
Jeff Bezos appears to be leading Amazon into a repeat of this tragic historical mistake. If Donald Trump wins the presidential election of 2024 and succeeds in imposing his plans to impose fascism in the United States, Jeff Bezos will go down in history as an example of cowardice and craven self-interest.
Jeff Bezos ordered The Washington Post to help Donald Trump by declining to endorse Kamala Harris.
The Washington Post’s editorial board had examined the facts and planned to endorse Harris in a rejection of Trump.
Jeff Bezos, however, decided that he wanted to maintain the favor of Donald Trump’s fascist movement, in case Trump is able to gain power and impose his Christian Nationalist dictatorship.