Memes Against Christian Nationalism

Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

If God Can Have Fluid Identity, Why Can’t People?

Why is it that Christian zealots are happy to accept that their god has three separate identities in one being, including one identity as an invisible fluid spirit who flies around making people excited, but get outraged when people use they/them pronouns?

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Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

Cat Ladies Against Christian Nationalism

Christian Nationalist leaders like JD Vance preach that people should only have sex within marriage, and with no contraception or abortion, pumping out babies left and right. What’s more, they declare that only Christian Nationalist churches should have the right to officiate weddings, and only heterosexual couples will be allowed.

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Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

Thy Kingdom Come Means Religious Genocide

Thy Kingdom come is a prayer for the day when Jesus will cram so many human bodies into a winepress that the resulting lake of blood will be six feet deep and 640 kilometers across, as foretold in Revelation in their Bible.

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Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

Weird Gender Ideology

Christians teach that women are surgically altered men’s ribs… and they worry OTHER people will teach kids weird ideas about gender?

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Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

Donald Trump and the Lilies of the Field

Donald Trump is so Bible, when he saw the lillies of the field that do not work or worry, he called them evil Marxists and promised to root them out like the vermin they are.

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Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

Donald Trump and the Eye of the Needle

Donald Trump is so Bible, when he heard it would be easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy man to get into heaven, he just had someone build him a gigantic needle to ride his camel through.

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Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

Christian Tyranny In Poland

The lower house of the Polish national legislature has already passed a bill that imposes penalties ranging from monetary fines to two years in prison for the new crime of mocking the Catholic Church.

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