Keep Your Commandments In Your Pants, Reverend

Music video: Keep Your Commandments In Your Pants, Reverend

The lyrics:

The Ten Commandments are not American. The Ten Commandments are thousands of years old. Keep your Commandments to yourself.

I don't want your creepy Christian preachers bothering my children. I don't want your pushy Christian preachers running through our schools.

Keep your Commandments in your pants, Reverend. A school is not a church.

The Ten Commandments have nothing to do with our laws. The Ten Commandments are ancient and irrelevant. Keep your Commandments to yourself.

I do not send my kids to school to learn some superstitious imaginary history about spirits from the skies and laws against artistic freedom.

What the heck Louisiana? The more you push your old religion at us the more we walk away. The more you push Christian nonsense at us the more we walk away.


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