Christian Nationalists Believe No One Would Voluntarily Be Christian

Christian Nationalism is the belief that Christianity is so unappealing that children won't ever accept the religion unless the full power of the US federal government is used to cram it down their throats.

If Christian Nationalists actually believed that Christianity has any powerful appeal at all, they wouldn’t worry about forcing public schools to indoctrinate young children with it. They would simply trust that people would see the worth of Christianity, and relax about it, allowing people to come to Christianity in their own time.

Instead, Christian Nationalism perceives that Christianity is so messed up and undesirable that it resorts to desperate tactics like trying to take over the government in order to compel children into acts of Christian worship under threat of legal punishment.

The more a Christian Nationalist tries to push Christianity at others, the more weak and pathetic the Christian Nationalist actually believes Christianity to be.

No one has to use the power of government to force chocolate chip cookies on children. Chocolate chip cookies are simply wonderful, it’s the rare person who won’t accept one. You put a plate of them on the counter, and they’ll be gone before you know it.

Christianity is no chocolate chip cookie. Apparently, Christian Nationalists believe that Christianity is more like an overcooked meatloaf.


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