Memes Against Christian Nationalism

Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

Thy Kingdom Come Means Religious Genocide

Thy Kingdom come is a prayer for the day when Jesus will cram so many human bodies into a winepress that the resulting lake of blood will be six feet deep and 640 kilometers across, as foretold in Revelation in their Bible.

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Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

Donald Trump and the Lilies of the Field

Donald Trump is so Bible, when he saw the lillies of the field that do not work or worry, he called them evil Marxists and promised to root them out like the vermin they are.

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Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

US Law Isn’t About An Ancient Legend

Christian Nationalism is the belief that the laws of the United States should center around legends of the execution of a rabbi halfway around the world two thousand years ago.

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Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

Rejecting Kings and Lords

The political ideology at the foundation of American government runs contrary to the tyrannical bent of Christianity. The USA was founded upon the rejection of kings and lords.

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Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

The Savage Winepress Of Jesus

A violent and jealous version of Jesus can be found in the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, chapter 14. This Jesus was not a nice guy.

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Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

Jesus Was A Psychopath

Jesus himself was the source of Nazi hate. This same hate is the source of extremist Christian Nationalism in the United States of America today. Jesus was not a prince of peace. He was a proto-Nazi psychopath.

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Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

The Very Scary Jesus

The bible says Jesus threatened to come back with a weapon and kill everyone who wouldn’t worship him as a god king. I don’t think that’s a good example of positive leadership.

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Clifford Cook Clifford Cook

Courtroom Christ Crisis

Keep your judgmental Jesus out of America’s courtrooms. You have the right to your weird religion. You don’t have the right to force it on the rest of us.

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