The All-Powerful Persecuted Christianity

Christians like to brag that their religion is the most wonderful thing ever, with an infinitely powerful god who is a tremendous pleasure to be around.

But then, Christians also like to complain that if they can't use the power of the United States federal government, with Donald Trump as a bully president, to force all Americans to be Christian, their Christianity will wither away.

They say their omnipotent god will provide Christians with everything that they need, but then they complain that they’re being thwarted by Satan, a magical being who was created by the Christian god.

At the core of Christianity is a jumble of logically inconsistent beliefs that have been cinched into ever-thickening knots over the centuries, as the initial promises of Christianity remain unfulfilled. The world simply doesn’t match Christian faith.

Christian Nationalism is a response to the psychological tension that grows in the minds of fervent believers. It’s an impulse to force the world into rote Christianity, to restore the illusion that somehow, Christian theology actually makes sense.


The Savage Winepress Of Jesus


The Whims of Invisible Spirits