Trump Christianity Is A Cult Of Power

Trump Christianity is nothing more than a cult of raw power.

A cult, after all, is nothing more than a religious group that uses its social power to control people against their own interests. That’s exactly what the Christian Nationalist preachers who back Donald Trump have been up to.

There is no sense in arguing logically to try to refute the beliefs of Trump cult members. Members of cults believe what they believe not because it makes rational sense but because their social group has created a coercive alternative reality that people feel afraid to leave.

So what do we do in response to the Trump Christian cult? We can offer up an alternative that is accepting and understanding, compassionate and forgiving. We can support affirmative social kinds of connection that are not coercive.

In the meantime, we can speak out loudly against the cult of personality around Donald Trump, because while we can’t bring people out of the Trump cult through rationality, we can warn people away from his toxic influence.


A Religion Of Hate


I Choose Democracy Over Rule By Raving Priests