Christian Nationalism And The Angel Of Death

Over the last week, Christian Nationalist antisemitism became more blatant than ever before. Kanye West announced that he was planning to wage “defcon 3” violence against Jews, and then met with former president Donald Trump, who said in his own speech that American Jews should start giving him political support “before it’s too late”.

Then, Christian Nationalist Nick Fuentes launched into his own tirade, in which he declared that Jews should be kicked out of America because they believe that Jesus is dead and in hell.

“Don’t tell me they’re entitled to their religion. If their religion involves my lord in hell, then they can get the fuck out of America, frankly. Insofar as that’s your belief, then you have no business being here. You certainly have no business being near the levers of power if you believe that, because who do you serve if you don’t serve Jesus Christ? You serve the devil. You serve Satan. Oh, I’m antisemitic? Fine. Whatever. You can call me whatever you want. You hate Jesus. Your opinion doesn’t matter to me.”

What Nick Fuentes expresses is the hunger that drives the Christian Nationalism of the Republican Party. Christian Nationalists have no respect for any religion other than Christianity. When they demand that the federal government establish religion, they really only have Christianity in mind. As Nick Fuentes says, loudly and plainly, the Christian Nationalists who now run the GOP want to ban all non-Christian religions.

That ban would include Judaism, but it would also include Islam, and Hinduism. Christian Nationalists believe that Wicca and paganism are demonic and must be prohibited. As for being an atheist, well, that’s the worst possibility of all, the way they see it. Atheism would definitely go on the list of illegal identities.

The trouble is that once you add up all of the various forms of non-Christian identity in the United States, you get approximately 40 percent of the population. Nick Fuentes wants all those people, over 100 million of them, to leave the United States. That’s where the Nazis began, forcing Jews to leave Germany, or to live in their own separate communities, while a final solution to their existence was being worked out.

Is it a leap too far to think that Christian Nationalists could seek to kill non-Christian Americans, if they gain control of the US government? Consider the display at a political campaign rally seen this week.

Over the weekend, Doug Mastriano, the Republican candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania attended the Pennsylvania leg of ReAwaken America, a political campaign tour organized by Eric Trump and Mike Flynn. At that event, a gigantic graphic was displayed in the convention hall, featuring a prophecy by Christian Nationalist prophet Julie Green declaring that an “Angel of Death is coming for them by year-end”. Underneath this threat, photographs of politicians including the current President and Vice President, the Governor of California, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, several members of Congress, Bill Gates, Stacey Abrams, and even Rachel Maddow were displayed. This was a list of the first group of people Christian Nationalists want to kill when they gain power.

Yes, Christian Nationalists are seeking death for their political opponents, and they seek that death in the name of Jesus.


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