Christians Want A More Cruel America Survey Data Shows
This podcast episode starts out with Christian Nationalist preacher Andrew Isker explaining that in the new America controlled by Donald Trump, there will be no room for Jews. Even a Judeo-Christian theocracy would be too secular for him. Isker wants to replace American democracy with a Christian monarchy.
And what would that Christian monarchy look like?
Let’s not speculate. Let’s see what social scientific survey data shows American Christians want for the USA.
According to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center:
First of all, the more religious you are in America, the more likely you are to identify with the Republican Party.
Confirming exit polls from the 2024 presidential election, among highly religious Americans, this new survey shows that 61% support the Republican Party of Donald Trump. Among Americans who are not very religious, only 27% support Donald Trump and the GOP.
Atheists are the least likely group in America to support Republicans – only 15% of atheists do. The majority of Christians, the survey found, support Republicans and Donald Trump. That’s not just Christian Nationalists, by the way. That’s Christians in general.
Donald Trump is a particularly Christian problem for America, not just a generally religious phenomenom.
Only 31 percent of Jews, 29 percent of Hindus, and 42 percent of Muslims support Donald Trump’s Republican Party. The majority of Christians do.
The survey found that 67 percent of atheists say they’re liberal.
Only 14 percent of Christians said that they’re liberal.
Being kind to others is mostly an atheist value. When it comes to welcoming of outsiders, for example only 27% of highly religious Americans in the survey said that immigrants make America better.
Twice as many Americans with a low level of religious identity believe that immigrants strengthen America. What’s more, a whopping 89 percent of Atheists say that America’s openness to people from around the world is essential to America’s identity as a nation, a much higher level of acceptance of strangers than is found in any religious group in the USA.
Only 27 percent of Christians say that immigrants make America better.
When it comes ideological diversity, the same pattern holds. Only a minority of Christians said that religious diversity strengthens American society, while 75 percent of Atheists agreed that religious diversity is good for America.
What about helping people in need? If you’re in need in America, who should you go to - Christians or atheists?
Two thirds of Christians said that the government should NOT do more to help people in need.
The opposite is true for atheists. Two thirds of atheists said that the government SHOULD do more to help people in need.
Christian America elected Donald Trump. Christian America helped Republicans install a Christian Nationalist majority on the Supreme Court. Christian Nationalists likewise control both houses of Congress.
The results are not a mystery. The cruelty and chaos that we see, and the destruction of American democracy, is not an anomaly. It’s not a mistake.
The cruelty and chaos are what Christian Nationalists have been working for all this time.