Corporations Support Christian Nationalism

Project 2025 makes the following declaration about what it regards as the proper role of individual freedom in the United States of America:

“When the Founders spoke of “pursuit of Happiness,” what they meant might be understood today as in essence “pursuit of Blessedness.” That is, an individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained—to flourish. Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought.”

Let’s break down what policy statement means. 

Project 2025 is saying that if Donald Trump is elected, Americans will no longer have the freedom to do what they want. Instead, freedom will be redefined as the ability to do what people in power tell them they ought to do. The only freedom Americans will possess will be the freedom to obey.

Christian Nationalist Jesus with a handgun

The Plan To Replace Public Health With Faith Healing


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