Podcast Trailer
It’s time to talk back to the christian nationalists
Starting in the summer of 2022, in the wake of several devastating Supreme Court rulings and revelations from the congressional hearings into the insurrection of January 6, 2021, we’re speaking out and talking back to the Christian nationalists who like to pretend that they are the voice of Real Americans.
We’re real Americans too, and we’re sick and tired of being bossed around by the preachers and politicians who think they’re entitled to force their religious hangups down everyone else’s throats.
Things look pretty dark now, and the Christian nationalists are counting on us giving up and quietly accepting that the struggle is over.
We’re not going along with that plan. This is no time for silence.
The podcast Stop Christian Nationalism is coming to you every week, starting now… and when will it end? We won’t stop speaking out until the job is done, the Christian nationalist threat has been put back in its place, and the damage to American democracy has been repaired.
We’re not happy to say it, but it looks like this project is going to take a while.
Name a problem that we’re facing… racism, sexism, homophobia, climate change, pollution of our air and water, economic inequality, gun violence, attacks against our public schools, the end of reproductive rights.
At first, it seems like an isolated issue, but don’t accept what you see at first glance. Look deeper. Trace the issue back to its source, and you’ll find that it’s connected at the root with all the other problems America faces.
Each one of these problems is a consequence of the political malignancy of Christian nationalism.
Christian nationalism is the mistaken belief that America is a Christian nation rather than a pluralistic democracy. Christian nationalism is an extremist, apocalyptic sect of Christianity that believes that American democracy must be destroyed in order to make way for a Kingdom of Heaven.
In order to make their dark prophecy come true, Christian nationalists are attacking everything good about America. They’re trying to eliminate every scrap of equality, diversity, liberty, clean and natural goodness, education and progress they can find.
They’re doing it all because they believe our pluralistic democracy is inherently evil, that our own planet is nothing but a breeding ground for demons, and that nobody other than their own little group of radicalized true believers is worth saving.
podcast coming
summer 2022
Christian nationalists believe that only after America is wrecked and life on Earth is nearly destroyed can their messiah of vengeance swoop in and take them all up to a rapturous afterlife. So, they’re busy destroying everything they can get their hands on.
We’re not about to let them do it, are we?
Tune in weekly to this podcast to hear about the latest trouble the Christian nationalists are causing. Don’t worry, though. It’s not all gloom and doom. At Stop Christian Nationalism, we’ll also be sharing news of the good Americans who are fighting back against this scourge of religious radicalism, and giving tips about ways you can get involved.
We have a lot to talk about.