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…and to learn more, read Donald Trump’s Army of God
US Congress Votes To Imprison Immigrants Without Trial
HR 29 allows for people who are merely accused, without any criminal charge, of shoplifting, to be imprisoned in Homeland Security detention camps, and then deported, with no right to a trial or other basic due process of law.
The False Unity of Christian Nationalism
We shouldn’t be afraid of diversity. A pledge of allegiance to unity is antithetical to American democracy. Unity is an oppressive problem, not a solution.
Confronting Christian Nationalism Both Screaming And Whispering
Sometimes Christian Nationalism screams at us. Sometimes it uses a soothing voice, or even a whisper. From the vile shouts of Nick Fuentes to the paranoid persecution complex of Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson to the totalitarian demands of House Chaplain Margaret Grun Kibben delivered in her soothing voice, we need to Confront Christian Nationalism in all its manifestations, including historical roots in the Christian versus Christian violence of the English Civil War.
- antisemitism
- bible
- Bible
- Ceremonial Deism
- Chaplain
- Christian nationalism
- Christianity
- Congress
- Constitution
- Democrats
- demons
- Donald Trump
- Doug Mastriano
- education
- genocide
- history
- House of Representatives
- Iowa
- Iowa Faith Leader Coalition
- Julie Green
- law
- Louie Gohmert
- Louisiana
- Margaret Grun Kibben
- monarchy
- morality
- Nazis
- Nick Fuentes
- Pennsylvania
- prayer
- prophecy
- Revelation
- Romans
- school
- separation of church and state
- slavery
- speech
- Ten Commandments
- theocracy
- violence
- Virginia