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US Congress Votes To Imprison Immigrants Without Trial
HR 29 allows for people who are merely accused, without any criminal charge, of shoplifting, to be imprisoned in Homeland Security detention camps, and then deported, with no right to a trial or other basic due process of law.
The Fascist Price Of A Dozen Eggs
Democratic Party leaders want us to stop talking about the fascism of Donald Trump because they say that the price of eggs is more important. Are they right?
Will You Stand Against Trump’s Concentration Camps?
The Texas General Land Office has offered Donald Trump a 1,400-acre ranch in Starr County as a site to build concentration camps for his promised mass deportations of residents of the USA. Will you stand for this?
Journalism Surrenders To Fascism
The New York Times declares that Democrats lost the 2024 presidential election because they are prigs who care too much about the truth.
The Washington Post descends into artificial intelligence babble as its billionaire owner Jeff Bezos bends the knee in submission to the fascism of Donald Trump.
What alternative do the American people have but to create their own grassroots networks of community activism? How else can people know what’s happening under the new fascist regime?
The Tyranny of Christian Fascism Over Your Family Life
Some people say that the Fascism of Donald Trump and the America First Policy Institute that is planning his presidential transition are less important to Americans than practical policy decisions. The truth is that Trump’s Fascists have plenty of policies that will have a practical impact on Americans’ daily lives. Among these are the Christian Nationalist family policies in the America First Agenda, approved of by Donald Trump.
The Nazi Christian Nationalist Agenda of the America First Policy Institute
The first in a series on the Nazi roots and Christian Nationalist Fascism of the America First Policy Institute, an organization that pledges to help Donald Trump gain power in 2024.
JD Vance and the Fascists of Opus Dei
JD Vance is part of the Opus Dei network of influence in Washington DC, seeking to impose Christian Nationalist fascism on all Americans, ending secular democracy in the USA.
The Fascism Of Donald Trump
Donald Trump’s former generals are warning us that Trump is “fascist to the core”, who believes Adolf Hitler did a lot of good things. Donald Trump is threatening to send the US military after Americans who refuse to obey him.
US Supreme Court Makes the President a King
A full assault by Christian Nationalist fascists against our democracy has begun in earnest. Today, the Supreme Court gave the US President the powers of a king.
Target Surrenders To AntiGay Nazis
Christian Nationalists like Candace Owens and Matt Walsh lie to their audiences, with wild conspiracy theories about Satanic plans by Target to attack America’s children with Pride Month merchandise. Instead of standing against Christian Nationalism’s antigay bigotry, Target executives have surrendered, allowing violent Christian terrorists to take control of their company.
Stolen Babies, Fascist Spain, and American Christian Nationalism
Christian Nationalist preacher Chuck O’Neal demands that the US government throw parents in prison and take away their children for violating biblical law. The Spanish fascists under Franco did just that.
- antisemitism
- bible
- Bible
- Ceremonial Deism
- Chaplain
- Christian nationalism
- Christianity
- Congress
- Constitution
- Democrats
- demons
- Donald Trump
- Doug Mastriano
- education
- genocide
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- House of Representatives
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- Iowa Faith Leader Coalition
- Julie Green
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- Louie Gohmert
- Louisiana
- Margaret Grun Kibben
- monarchy
- morality
- Nazis
- Nick Fuentes
- Pennsylvania
- prayer
- prophecy
- Revelation
- Romans
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- separation of church and state
- slavery
- speech
- Ten Commandments
- theocracy
- violence
- Virginia