Take Off Your Gown, Samuel Alito
Flying the Christian Nationalist Appeal To Heaven Flag, the Pine Tree Flag, along with an upside down Stars and Stripes flag, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito made a statement that he wants to see the end of American democracy, to be replaced by a Christian Nationalist theocracy with Donald Trump in charge.
There are consequences for having a Christian Nationalist who prejudges religious liberty cases before he hears the facts on the Supreme Court. Carson v. Makin in 2022 is an example of that, when Samuel Alito voted with the five other Christian Nationalist justices to force the state government of Maine to fund a private Christian church school, replacing genuine education with religious indoctrination.
This podcast episode features the latest in our Country Music Against Christian Nationalism series: Get Out Of Town, Samuel Alito.
The lyrics:
When a man sits in judgment of America flying a flag
a Bible-thumping rag
while they attack our country,
I'm not okay with that.
I'm not okay with that.
Samuel, I won't tell you to go to Hell,
I don't believe in it,
but I don't trust your judgment,
Samuel Alito,
flying the flag of injustice
outside your window.
It's time for you to quit,
Samuel Alito.
It's time for you to step down
and get out of town.
Take of your gown.
America will never be a Christian nation.
Get out of town.
Take off your gown.