Trump Pastor Tom Sooter Predicts Christian World War III

Christian Nationalists believe that this global holy war will finally deliver all the unfulfilled promises of their religion.

The war must begin in Israel, they believe, and so they look at the current conflict between Israel and Gaza with a kind of hopefulness.

Here’s the terrible twist: Right wing Christian Nationalists aren’t the only Americans who are doing this.

There is a large group of Americans on the Left side of the political spectrum who have accepted the central ideological frame of Christian Nationalists. They don’t think of themselves as Christian Nationalists, and many of them aren’t even Christians, but they agreed with the Christian Nationalist belief that what happens in Israel is the most important political issue in the United States.

Are they playing into the hands of Donald Trump’s Christian Nationalist pastors?

This episode of the podcast Stop Christian Nationalism begins a new series investigating the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition, a small group of Christian Nationalists who are propelling Donald Trump toward victory in the 2024 presidential election.

In this episode, Iowa evangelist Tom Sooter tells church audiences, with a strange mixture of eagerness and dread, that the violent conflict between Israel and Gaza is the beginning of World War III.

Joel chapter 3, verse 14, now, prophetically, this particular verse tells us what we're seeing coming about right now, today, 21st century. There's coming a day. It's called World War III. The Book of the Revelation. It's all about how five different nations, along with Russia, will come down and attack Israel.”


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