Take Action: Research and warn others about extremist Christian Nationalist sermons
The Ego of the Christian Nationalist Preacher
Because Christian normativity is the default in American culture, people presume that Christian churches are a positive presence until they are confronted with evidence to the contrary. It’s up to us, then, to present people with that evidence to the contrary.
There are search engines online that are dedicated to helping people find sermons on specific topics. Mostly, these are used by Christian preachers who are too lazy to think up their own sermons. They’ll search for other preachers’ sermons on these platforms, and copy what they hear, changing a few words here and there to make it sound like their own.
We can use these search engines to find audio recordings or text transcriptions of extremist Christian sermons. Go to places like Sermon.net or SermonAudio.com and enter in phrases like “Christian Nationalism” or “Christian Nation”. You’ll come across many sermons on the topic.
(cut and paste these URLS - no link karma for these sites!)
Listen to the sermons, and pay attention to the meaning in their words, then share some of the troubling selections on whatever social media platforms you belong to.
It’s one thing for us to say that Christian Nationalists are dangerous. It’s more powerful, however, to let people hear the dangerous ideas that they’re teaching in their sermons. Americans need to know when a church is spreading hate in their neighborhood, but there are fewer journalists available to investigate militant Christian organizations than there used to be. Instead of simply spreading the news that’s already out there on the wire, you can contribute your own information about the advance of Christian Nationalism.
Of course, Christian Nationalist preachers have the right to deliver sermons about whatever they want. They should have that right, as we all should have the right to free speech, even though many Christian Nationalists would like to take that freedom away.
The goal is to document what Christian Nationalists are saying and what they’re doing so the American people can be informed about what’s going on. There’s nothing like hearing Christian Nationalist preachers shouting about replacing American democracy with biblical law and compelling people to bend their knees to Jesus to motivate people to get involved in the movement to resist Christian Nationalism.