Christian Nationalism Is Authentic Christianity. Let’s Confront That.

Yes, Christian Nationalism is Christian. It's biblical and Jesus might have loved it.

Jesus stormed the Temple like his Nationalist followers did on January 6 2021.

Jesus told his followers to get swords and promised to come back with one himself.

Jesus promised to divide people, not unite them.

The bible celebrates autocratic kings and lords.

The bible is full of factually incorrect conspiracy theories.

Jesus threatened genocide against cities that refused to worship him.

The bible savs the Christian kingdom to come will be on Earth, not just something heavenly.

The bible is dead set against freedom of religion.

The bible is in favor of men grabbing women by the pussy.

Christianity spread through empire, not through love.

Jesus promised a lake of fire to the disobedient and nonbelievers.

Yes, there are nice bits in Christianity too, but let's not pretend the violent, corrupt and bigoted bible verses aren’t there. Let's deal with the problems of Christianity honestly. Denying that they exist or are just "heresy" doesn't help.


Jesus Was A Fascist


Christianity IS as Christianity DOES