Memes Against Christian Nationalism
Christian Nationalism Is A Violent Death Cult
Christian Nationalism is a violent death cult
What It Means When They Say Normal Isn’t Coming Back, Jesus Is
Normal isn’t coming back, they say, Jesus is. They expect Jesus to slaughter non-Christians when he returns.
Thy Kingdom Come Means Religious Genocide
Thy Kingdom come is a prayer for the day when Jesus will cram so many human bodies into a winepress that the resulting lake of blood will be six feet deep and 640 kilometers across, as foretold in Revelation in their Bible.
The Biblical Morality of Jephthah’s Daughter
When they say they want biblical morality does that include when God told Jephthah to kill his daughter as a human sacrifice, burning her on a fire?
The Savage Winepress Of Jesus
A violent and jealous version of Jesus can be found in the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, chapter 14. This Jesus was not a nice guy.
Jesus Was A Psychopath
Jesus himself was the source of Nazi hate. This same hate is the source of extremist Christian Nationalism in the United States of America today. Jesus was not a prince of peace. He was a proto-Nazi psychopath.
The Very Scary Jesus
The bible says Jesus threatened to come back with a weapon and kill everyone who wouldn’t worship him as a god king. I don’t think that’s a good example of positive leadership.
Jesus Was A Maniac, Not A Savior
The Christian bible warns that Jesus will crush the bodies of all who refuse to worship him until their blood covers the land.
Revenge of the Christian Nationalist Necromancer
Christian Nationalism wants to hand power over to a 2,000 year old necromancer who wants a bloody war of revenge. No thanks.
Christian Nationalism Is Toxic Christianity
If you think that the ugliness of Christian Nationalism has nothing to do with the bible, maybe that’s because you haven’t actually read the bible.
Megalomaniac Jesus Props Up Christian Nationalism
Christian Nationalism didn’t pop into existence from nowhere. The violent, judgmental, hateful aspects of Christianity have been there from the very start of the religion.
What Christian Nationalism Looks Like
Whenever Christian Nationalism gains control, violence and suffering follow.
Jesus and the Violence of January 6
Tell me again
about how
Jesus would never
have supported
Nationalist Violence Is An Expression of Christianity
The intolerance & violence of Christian Nationalism are an expression of Christianity, not a departure from it.
Christian Nationalism Follows The Example Of Jesus
When Christians are intolerant and violent they are following the example of Jesus whipping people in the Temple of Jerusalem.
Jesus Was A Violent Psychopath
The violent teachings of Jesus are used to justify violent Christian Nationalism. Take the Gospel of Luke, for instance…
Jesus Threatened To Kill Kids
It’s easy to believe that biblical morality applies to our own culture if you never actually read the bible.
Christian Nationalism Is Authentic Christianity. Let’s Confront That.
Let's deal wth the problems of Christianity honestly. Denying that they exist or are just "heresy" doesn't help. Christian Nationalism is biblical.
The Inspiration for Christian Nationalism
Christian Nationalism is inspired by the violence of the Bible and its totalitarian god.
The Faith-Based Government Christian Nationalism Seeks
The tradition of faith-based government that Christian Nationalism wants to bring back was known for burning people at the stake for the crime of heresy.