Christian Nationalism Is Toxic Christianity

If you think Christian Nationalism has nothing to do with Christianity, you haven’t read the Christian bible.

Jesus told his followers to get swords, and promised to carry one himself after rising from the grave, sending out violence to destroy the world in vengeance for his death.

Jesus literally demonized his enemies, saying they were demons, not people.

Jesus violently stormed the Temple in Jerusalem just like Christian Nationalists stormed the US Capitol on January 6 2021.

When cities refused to worship Jesus, he threatened to kill everyone living there in an act of righteous genocide.

Jesus promised that he would reward his followers with the power to rule over nations with an "iron scepter" and smash their enemies like clay pots.

The Christian bible savs that women have to marry their rapists.

Christianity was spread around the world by Christian soldiers who slaughtered people who refused to convert.

Jesus said he hated people who refused to obey harsh restrictions on sexuality.

The Christian bible is full of conspiracy theories that make QAnon look meek and mild.

The Christian bible has zero toleration for democracy, supporting totalitarian kings and lords instead.

The Christian bible is opposed to freedom of religion and free speech.

Jesus was a megalomaniac who threatened to torture people who refused to worship him.

Jesus accused Jews who wouldn't convert to Christianity of belonging to a "Synagoque of Satan"

Christian Nationalism is not "fake Christianity”. It's toxic Christianity.


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Megalomaniac Jesus Props Up Christian Nationalism