Courtroom Christ Crisis

Christian Nationalist justices have taken over the Supreme Court, making bizarre rulings in favor of Christian power, directly in contradiction to the Constitution’s ban on government establishment of religion. The Christian Nationalist Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that Christians can force all Americans to follow their archaic rules about sex and human reproduction, that state governments can be forced to provide money to churches to fund religious indoctrination of children, and that Christian government employees can coerce children into participating in Christian religious rituals.

What kinds of Christian Nationalism will come from the Supreme Court next? Anything goes with these zany zealots on the bench. These Supreme Court justices are people who think that a zombie cult from the Roman Empire ought to be at the center of American culture, after all.

Those of us who actually care about constitutional rights aren’t okay with the extremist activist Christian Nationalist Supreme Court. We say: Keep your judgmental Jesus out of America’s courtrooms. You have the right to your weird religion. You don’t have the right to force it on the rest of us.


Screaming Superstitious Nonsense


Forcing Your Ancient Zombie On Me