A Billion Body Bags
Christian Nationalists are telling us what they’re preparing to do. They are planning to put on the “full armor of god” and wage a physical war of genocide with the aim of filling up “a billion body bags” with the corpses of non-Christians in America and abroad.
What can we do?
What we must do is maintain our own principles, and not allow the inhumanity of Christian Nationalism to provoke us into our own inhumanity.
Christian Nationalists call us “demons”. Part of it is a sincere religious belief that anyone who refuses to obey the commands of Christian authority must either be a demon or be in league with Satan.
Another part of it is more cynical. They call us demons because doing so makes us inhuman. By claiming that people who oppose Christian Nationalism are evil monsters, Christian Nationalist preachers give permission to their followers to kill.
The ultimate goal of Christian Nationalism is not to force Americans to convert to Christianity. That’s just a first step of their plan. The end goal of Christian Nationalism is to annihilate the United States of America, and engage in a brutal genocide, killing one billion non-Christians in order to bring about their Kingdom of God.
This is the plan advocated by Baptist preacher Bill Grady, and if it sounds implausible, just remember: Christian Nationalism has committed genocide before. It was Christian Nationalism that annihilated a continent filled with indigenous peoples. It was Christian Nationalism that perpetrated the enslavement of people from Africa and their descendants.
They’ve done it before. Now, taking inspiration from Adolf Hitler, Christian Nationalists are planning the biggest genocide the world has ever seen, doing it in the name a wrathful and unforgiving lord Jesus.