The Prophets Of Christian Nationalism
Sometimes, it feels like the threat of Christian Nationalism couldn’t possibly be real. It seems like something out of a dystopian young adult novel. But then, Christian Nationalists speak, and the sinister reality of their plans is made clear. When Christian Nationalists talk about their agenda, the totalitarian ambitions of Christian Nationalism are unambiguous.
In this episode, we hear from the new prophets of Christian Nationalism, people who call for violence against fellow Americans under the pretense that it’s really their god doing talking. We can see who’s moving their lips.
Jack Shannon of the Saint Athanasius Church, Shane Vaughn of First Harvest Ministries, Doug Mastriano’s campaign prophet Julie Green, and Congressman Bob Good all claim to know exactly what’s on the mind of the magical creator of the universe. It just so happens that what they think that god wants coincides exactly with what they want for themselves.
When Christian Nationalists talk about what their god wants, they’re really talking about their own personal desires. For them, the two are one and the same.
Now, Christian Nationalists are declaring that they want to destroy American democracy and replace it with a totalitarian Christian dictatorship.
What can we do in response? What is the right way to resist the growing influence of Christian Nationalism?
Let’s leave it to monotheist extremists to prattle proudly about the One True Way.
Resisting Christian Nationalism requires us to be who we are, not to emulate the inflexibility of the Christian Nationalists. So, let’s not try to force our diversity into one best way to stop Christian Nationalism. Instead, let’s use the strength of our diversity, and recognize that there are many ways to resist.