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…and to learn more, read Donald Trump’s Army of God

Trump Announces USA Will Own The Gaza Strip
Donald Trump has announced that the American military will invade Gaza permanently occupy the territory, and engage in the ethnic cleansing of the people of Gaza.

Christian Nationalist Violence and Scams For a Such a Time as This
Lorenzo Sewell, Donald Trump’s inauguration preacher, pumped up crowds with references to political violence, then dumped his memecoin, leaving MAGA dupes with nothing but their blind faith.

Congress Votes To Protect War Criminals
The Christian Nationalists who now control the federal government of the United States of America are demonstrating that they will protect war criminals from accountability, as they seek to dismantle the legal systems that prevent violent human rights abuses from taking place.

Pete Hegseth’s Violence Is What Christian Visibility Looks Like
Pete Hegseth was raised as a right wing Christian extremist. He has been a Christian Nationalist extremist his whole life. Pete Hegseth has been following the religion of Jesus Christ into violence, drunkenness, and a brutal vision of holy war the whole time.

A Totalitarian Christian Nationalist Takeover - Will You Submit?
Under the Christian totalitarianism of Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will eat processed food from McDonalds if that’s what Trump tells him to do.
What will Donald Trump tell you to do?
Will you obey the commands of this absolute leader?

Would You Put a Gun in the Hand of Donald Trump?
His speech is rambling and difficult to follow, but you hear him say that he has been robbed. Would you put a gun in his hand?

Tennessee Month of Prayer and Fasting Is a Failure
Tennessee is consistently ranked as one of the least livable states in the USA. In response, the TN state legislature declared that the Christian god is king of Tennessee, and legislated a month of prayer and fasting. How is that working out?

Dissent and Christian Nationalism after the Assassination Attempt
Is it legitimate for us to criticize Donald Trump after the assassination attempt, or should we just shut up, and hope that silence will lead Trump to become less radical?

Negativity On What May Be Our Last Independence Day
With Donald Trump given the power of a king and promising violent retribution in the name of Christian Nationalism, is it unfair to criticize the links between Christian ideology and the rise of this dangerous American Counterrevolution?

Oklahoma Holds The Line Against Christian Nationalism
Today, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that no, the state government of Oklahoma cannot set up religious public schools out of whole cloth just in order to promote one particular brand of Christianity.

The Terrorist in Donald Trump’s Campaign
Donald Trump has celebrated the endorsement of David Leach. David Leach is Secretary General of the Army Of God, an anti-abortion terrorist organization.

Iowa Faith Leader Coalition Conspiracy Against Democracy
The Iowa Faith Leader Coalition: A network of at least 300 Christian Nationalist churches working to destroy American democracy.

Christian Nationalism Strikes Back
Christian Nationalism strikes back, with Nazi plots of antisemitic terrorism on the East Coast and anti-gay mass murder in Colorado Springs.

Christian Nationalism On The Eve Of The 2022 Elections
Christian Nationalist prophet Julie Green threatens US President Joe Biden with assassination, saying he can be killed with one shot and won’t know the attack is coming until it’s too late. It’s one day before Election Day 2022, and Christian Nationalism is getting dangerously violent.

Confronting Christian Nationalism Both Screaming And Whispering
Sometimes Christian Nationalism screams at us. Sometimes it uses a soothing voice, or even a whisper. From the vile shouts of Nick Fuentes to the paranoid persecution complex of Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson to the totalitarian demands of House Chaplain Margaret Grun Kibben delivered in her soothing voice, we need to Confront Christian Nationalism in all its manifestations, including historical roots in the Christian versus Christian violence of the English Civil War.

Jesus the Jerk and Unreal Climate Change
A Christian Nationalist says Jesus was not nice. Is he right? Also, is there a secret environmentalist conspiracy to help Satan track people with microchips after the Rapture?

Stolen Babies, Fascist Spain, and American Christian Nationalism
Christian Nationalist preacher Chuck O’Neal demands that the US government throw parents in prison and take away their children for violating biblical law. The Spanish fascists under Franco did just that.

A New Christian Attack Against The Temple Of Serapis
Christian Nationalist US Senator Josh Hawley incited his followers to commit violent attacks against non-Christian Americans with a false history of the attack against the temple of Serapis by a Christian mob acting with the support of the Roman Empire.

Christian Nationalism Both Strident and Subtle
Christian Nationalist ideology consistently seeks to destroy American freedom and force Christianity on everyone, whether its voice screams or whispers

When Christian Nationalists Are Democrats
This podcast episode considers the question of what we ought to do when the Christian Nationalists we face are in the Democratic Party.
- antisemitism
- bible
- Bible
- Ceremonial Deism
- Chaplain
- Christian nationalism
- Christianity
- Congress
- Constitution
- Democrats
- demons
- Donald Trump
- Doug Mastriano
- education
- genocide
- history
- House of Representatives
- Iowa
- Iowa Faith Leader Coalition
- Julie Green
- law
- Louie Gohmert
- Louisiana
- Margaret Grun Kibben
- monarchy
- morality
- Nazis
- Nick Fuentes
- Pennsylvania
- prayer
- prophecy
- Revelation
- Romans
- school
- separation of church and state
- slavery
- speech
- Ten Commandments
- theocracy
- violence
- Virginia