A New Christian Attack Against The Temple Of Serapis
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis claims that Americans’ rights are derived from the Christian god, not from government of the people. Senator Josh Hawley tells a false history of the destruction of the temple of Serapis. Trump preacher Mark Burns calls for a war of Christian Americans against Democrats possessed by demons. These are the subjects of this week’s episode of the podcast Stop Christian Nationalism.
The story Senator Hawley told about the destruction of the temple of Serapis made it sound as if the violent mob of Christian vandals that destroyed the temple of Serapis were making a brave stand against Emperor Julian, an anti-Christian tyrant. Actual history shows that’s not at all what happened.
The Christians weren’t courageously rebelling against an anti-Christian emperor. Their violence took place under a Christian emperor a full generation after the short reign of Emperor Julian had ended, after the better part of a century of Christian emperors. Their attack against a non-Christian place of worship was done with the endorsement of the Christian Roman Empire, not in defiance of it. It wasn’t Christians who were being persecuted by the empire. It was the Christian empire that was persecuting everyone else.