Memes Against Christian Nationalism
Jesus Would Not Vote Republican Or Democrat
Jesus would not vote Republican or Democrat. Jesus never registered to vote. Think for yourself!
Screaming Superstitious Nonsense
Christian Nationalism is the belief that America is at its best when people scream a bunch of hateful superstitious nonsense at each other.
Courtroom Christ Crisis
Keep your judgmental Jesus out of America’s courtrooms. You have the right to your weird religion. You don’t have the right to force it on the rest of us.
Forcing Your Ancient Zombie On Me
You have the right to worship an ancient zombie. You don’t have the right to force me to worship your ancient zombie.
Is Christian Nationalism Connected to Christianity?
Why do so many people claim that Christian Nationalism is “fake Christianity” when everything about Christian Nationalism obviously comes straight from Christianity?
They Promise Salvation But Produce Donald Trump
Christian Nationalism promises salvation, but gives us Donald Trump.
Government for the Here and Now
I want a government that’s ready to deal with reality. I want democracy, not Christian Nationalism.
The Rights That Come From The Bible
The legal rights Americans enjoy don’t come from the Christian bible. They come from people who knew that when Christian Nationalism is given power, freedom is the first victim.
Were The Salem Witch Trials Good Government?
Christian Nationalists think that the Salem Witch Trials were good government. We can do better.
The Ridiculous Christian Worship of Donald Trump
Do Christian Nationalists realize how ridiculous their Trump worship makes their religion seem to everyone else?
The Kings of Christian Nationalism Are UnAmerican
Christian Nationalists want to replace presidents, senators, and representatives with kings, lords, and priests.
Religious Intolerance Plus Corporate Greed
Christian Nationalism is religious intolerance and corporate greed.
The God Who Never Showed Up
Christian Nationalists want us to abandon democracy and follow the commands of a guy who promised he would be right back 2000 years ago but still hasn’t showed up.
A Religion Of Hate
Christian Nationalism is a religion of hate. It’s time for Americans to stand up to the menace of Christian Nationalism.
Trump Christianity Is A Cult Of Power
Trump Christianity is nothing more than a cult of raw power.
I Choose Democracy Over Rule By Raving Priests
The goal of Christian Nationalism is to end democracy and put America under the power of raving priests who suspect that demons are hiding behind every corner and think that Social Security is a Communist plot.
When Religion Is An Excuse for Cruel Politics
When politicians use religion as a cover for their cruel policies, it only reminds us of the cruelty of their religion.
The Idiocy of Christian Nationalism
Whenever Christian Nationalists try to force people to become Christians, they end up driving more people away from Christianity.