Memes Against Christian Nationalism
The USA is a Secular Democracy
The USA is a secular democracy, not a Christian nation. We will resist Christian Nationalism.
Non-Christians Deserve Equality in America
The United States is a pluralistic secular democracy, not a Christian theocracy.
Noah and the plan for Christian White Supremacy
Christian Nationalists believe that white supremacy was divinely ordained when their god got angry at Noah’s sons mocking him for being drunk.
US Flag Pentacles But No Crucifixes
If the USA is a Christian nation, how come there are pentacles on the US flag, but no crucifixes?
The bible Never Mentions America
The Christian god no more has has plans for the USA than Robin Hood has plans for New Jersey.
Revenge of the Christian Nationalist Necromancer
Christian Nationalism wants to hand power over to a 2,000 year old necromancer who wants a bloody war of revenge. No thanks.
Christian Nationalism Is Nazi Ideology
Christian Nationalism is Nazi ideology with an American passport.
If Jesus Isn’t From Our Nation, How Can This Be Christian Nationalism?
What kind of nationalism allows a guy who was from halfway around the world, never moved to the USA, never registered to vote, and has been dead for 2,000 years, to dictate the laws of the United States of America?
Fake Christians and Narrow Views
When Christians call each other fake Christians, it just reminds the rest of us that Christianity is about excluding people.
Christian Nationalism Is Toxic Christianity
If you think that the ugliness of Christian Nationalism has nothing to do with the bible, maybe that’s because you haven’t actually read the bible.
Megalomaniac Jesus Props Up Christian Nationalism
Christian Nationalism didn’t pop into existence from nowhere. The violent, judgmental, hateful aspects of Christianity have been there from the very start of the religion.
My Choice With The Christian Vote
After Donald Trump was the Christian choice for President in 2016 and 2020, my choice was to never enter a Christian church again.
Donald Trump 2024: More Christian Than Jesus
The majority of American Christians voted for Donald Trump in both 2016 and 2020. Will they do it again in 2024?
Christian Nationalist Jesus Is A Messiah of Fascism
The Christian messiah did in fact advocate for extremist totalitarian governments and radical acts of violence in the name of religion.
Jesus Didn’t Speak English And Wasn’t An American Citizen
Reminder to MAGA bigots who push Christian Nationalism: Jesus was not an American citizen and didn't speak English.
What If We Don’t Want To Be Saved?
Being saved by Christian Nationalists would mean having to watch Christian movies and listen to Christian music. No thanks!
Does Religion Matter More Than Democracy?
Christian Nationalists believe that freedom of religion is nothing more than the freedom to be wrong. Their righteousness has no room for individual liberty.
Jesus Died So Trump Could Mar-A-Lago Nuclear Secrets
Once you step outside the framework that believes anything a Christian church preaches is automatically righteous, Christian Nationalism falls apart as easily as a house of cards.